Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Chrysalids - Rosalind Morton

Rosalind Morton is a character from the novel The Crhsyalids. Through the authors portrayal of Rosalind’s connection with David, and what she is willing to do to prove that love. As a telepath, Rosalind is unique like the rest. She is a young girl and growing into an adult woman, having learned that she is a telepath and mutant. Rosalinds character traits from the novel are:
-Trustworthy (David's closest friend, keeps his and her secret of being telepathic)
-Loving (cares for Petra, is mother-like towards her)
-Smart (wants to escape the Waknuk/the Fringes shares the plains with the group of telepaths)

Rosalind is a consistent character, she is supporting the other telepaths and desiring to escape. She is motivated by her need to escape detection and capture, and the need to get to a new place that accepts telepaths. She is important because at the very end of the book, Rosalind sheds her emotional armour and can be her true self in the new telepath society of New Zealand.


  1. Replies
    1. Dude! Take a chill pill! Honestly this person was just trying to help us! Calm down and maybe show a little gratitude instead of dissing her and this great book? Hope your day goes well :)

  2. Parkourski, what kind of stupid name is that? Just because your life went downhill doesn't give you the right to comment on Rosalind and this book. She is way out of your league, so get rekt. Stay groovy mate.

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  6. amina kodumun kitapi gotye pic hayani

  7. this book is fruity

  8. fuck you and this book

  9. fuck you and this book

  10. what is this comment section?

  11. thank you so much this helped me alot

  12. How does David describe Rosalind telepathicallu?
